13 mrt Students and local elections
Locatie Visitors' centre SSC
Fotorechten: Eefje Cleophas
SPHINX, Studium Generale and NovUM organize ‘Students and te local elections’
with: CDA, D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, Seniorenpartij and VVD
More and more (foreign) students live in Maastricht and many of them have the right to vote for the municipal elections on the 19th of March 2014. But what is there to vote for? What do local political parties have in store for the (international) student population? And how would you know? Why are there no English-written excerpts of their programmes? What challenges does the growing student-population pose for them, and what would students desire from local politicians?
Studium Generale, Sphinx and NovUM (the international student representation party at Maastricht University) organize a debate on these issues. For and with students and representatives of local political parties: CDA (christian democrats), D66 (liberal democrats), Groenlinks (green left), PVDA (social democrats), Seniorenpartij (seniors) and VVD (liberals).
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